Incidents Management

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 Topcat Healthcare Incidents Management 

Managing incidents effectively is an essential part of providing quality and safe disability supports and services.

All NDIS providers have obligations under the NDIS Code of Conduct, including:

  • Provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner, with care and skill.
  • Promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that may impact the quality and safety of supports and services provided to people with disability.
  • Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against, and exploitation, neglect and abuse of, people with disability.
  • Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct.

The effective management of incidents supports NDIS providers to meet the above obligations.

NDIS providers that are registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission must, as a condition of registration, have an incident management system to record and manage incidents that occur in connection with providing supports and services to people with disability.

Registered NDIS providers must also notify the NDIS Commission of all reportable incidents (including alleged reportable incidents) that occur in connection with the NDIS supports or services they deliver.

Incidents Management Form

Incidents Management Policy and Procedure